Thursday, August 12, 2010

Inspirational Stories

These inspirational stories are quick to read, fresh
and most of all they are positive

Do you want to inspire yourself quickly? This is a little private oasis of yours, to freshen up your mind, to take your thoughts away from the busy everyday buzz all around you.
The perfect coffee break stories.
Often it is like life was living us and we dance like puppets on strings to meet its demands. These inspirational stories are written to give you a new way to look at your day and your life. They show you there is good everywhere. They give you tools to be happier and find self motivation.

These inspirational stories are written to make you feel happier
When you concentrate on making yourself happy at a deep level, you benefit others too. If you see a happy person, don´t you start wondering how to be one yourself? If someone then asks you what is your happiness-secret, you can share of your knowledge.
That´s the way life is at its best - you share from your happiness and pay it forward.

These inspirational stories tell it is you who lead your own life
These short stories are written to awaken new inspirational thoughts in your mind. To help you get a better grip of your life and decide its direction.
Why inspirational stories? Stories and inspirational words speak to your mind directly. If you cannot immerse yourself in long learning processes at the moment to change your thinking, a story stays easily in your mind.

Quick tips for your everyday life
At the end of these inspirational stories there are easy tips for you to use. They will help you to get a clearer, more positive view of your life, to make you feel more confident or just make your life a bit easier.
These tips are also to teach you to trust your own inner wisdom. There is such a feeling of freedom when you learn this, that you will be amazed.
You´ll get more courage to make your own decisions about your life. You won´t feel like life is being dictated to you from the outside so much anymore. You will realize you are in control of your reactions and your decisions.

Life becomes a fun adventure again
You will know yourself better. You will be more in control, calmer, happier. Secure in yourself and in the knowledge you can lead a wonderful life.
This encourages you to make positive changes in your life - according to your will, not the will of others. With this realization you will meet every new day with a new eagerness. This is a sign of a happy life.

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